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Dying Well

Dying well is not easy to do, but Jesus provided us with a perfect example of how to do it in His seven sayings on the cross. Trust Him to give us an example of how to do something hard as well as essential. 1.The first saying that is recorded on the cross is when...

Unexpected Assignments

Unexpected Assignments We want God to give us assignments. After all, we are here on earth to be of service in His Kingdom—although we also know God does not need anything— least of all from us. Still, He has prepared in advance good works for us to do, so we seek and...

Why Walk on Water?

Why Walk on Water? If Jesus’ miracles all point to a significant theological truth, as theologians insist they do, then what was the point of Jesus walking on water? A spectacular miracle for sure, but only the disciples saw it. It was not for the general public....

A Prayer for Waking

A Prayer for Waking Most of us awaken each morning with a gradual realization of where we are, what day it is, and then a flood of remembering what we are supposed to do that day. Then we are off and running (in our head at least) with our agenda and what drives us....

Enemies at the Table

Enemies at Dinner Yup! Our enemies are right there at our dining table, according to Psalm 23. And apparently the Good Shepherd does not make them go away. This truth has been there amongst the gold mine of metaphors in “The Shepherds Psalm,” but I had not really...